How your NET worth is connected to your self-worth


On this journey of helping people in life and business, I learn more and more that we all have the same struggles and challenges. We all put our best face forward on social media - fixing other people's problems while struggling with our own. And there is nothing wrong with it. Nothing wrong with you or me. It's called being human.

It all starts from within.

Have you ever struggled to charge people what you're worth for your product or services? I put my hand up first.

Do you know where that inner conflict derives from? From not believing in yourself.

your net worth is connected to your self-worth. When you realize your value you unleash your potential!

You are worth so much more.

You probably just need help to see it.

Listen to the entire episode to learn more about how to not be afraid to get what you worth and own it! Let us know how much you are enjoying the show.

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If you would like to know more about me and my strategies or need help to start or grow your business, why not drop me a message.




Patrice Bailey1 Comment